At the Mt Juliet Big Fish Academy campus, we use the Abeka preschool curriculum in the 4 and 5 year old classes. This curriculum is an age appropriate curriculum for preschool that takes into consideration the differences in motor skills and cognitive abilities among preschoolers. The Abeka preschool curriculum turns play time into learning time, laying a strong academic foundation that prepares each child for the next level of their educational journey.
For our 2 and 3 year old classes, we use the Bible ABC curriculum. This curriculum is a wonderful way to introduce students to God’s word through weekly Bible activities, games, worksheets, charts, coloring pages, and math explorations. They will learn their ABC’s and 123’s along with other key preschool standards.
Language Development
Language development is supported in all classrooms. Children listen to the sounds of the language and the way words are put together when teachers read, talk, and sing to them or with them. Toddlers and older children practice oral language as they communicate with teachers and peers. Older pre-school children learn the letters of the alphabet and then learn to match the sounds they hear to those letters, beginning with vowels and then consonants.
Language development is supported through word games, play, and a variety of age appropriate children’s literature, including picture books, that supports a weekly theme. Through books, children learn the job of the author and illustrator, the difference between fact and fiction, and the way books are organized. Children have opportunities to copy alphabet letters, to engage in pre-writing activities, and to write their own name.
Counting concepts and number recognition are introduced at the age of two and continue to be taught as the child advances through the program. Through the use
of manipulatives and real experiences, children learn to recognize and develop patterns, sort like items, and point out items that are small, medium and large/first, second and third. At age five, children are introduced to addition and subtraction and the concept of money and the importance of telling time.
Social Studies and Science
Children are introduced to social studies as they practice the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, sing patriotic songs, and interact with stories that focus on social studies themes such as community and family. Children learn about science from books read to them about the weather, animals, and so forth and from child-appropriate hands-on science projects such as planting seeds and learning about the life of a caterpillar/butterfly.
The heart of our program is for your child to grow in their faith and love of Jesus. We truly believe in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old he will not depart from it.” We have group chapel and music for ages 2-5, daily devotions in all age groups, and prayer time at school. We use non denominational devotions tailored for preschoolers.
Social, Emotional, and Physical Skills
Children learn and practice social and emotional skills through communication and other interactions with teachers and peers. Teachers model social skills as well as communicate behavior and interaction expectations. Depending on their age, children learn to share and take turns, express feelings, follow directions, sit attentively, and manage classroom transitions. Specific weekly themes and related story books help children learn about accepted behavior and how to relate to others.
Playground and in class activities such as catching and throwing balls, playing tag and other active games, climbing, manipulating objects, using pencils or crayons, tracing, completing puzzles, and developing the ability to independently care for personal needs all contribute to physical development and well-being.