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Summer Camp FAQ

Q: When does camp start? 

A:All Campuses start May 27, 2025


Q: What time is drop off?

a: 7:00-8:45am, after 8:45am, call camp phone to drop off


Q: When does camp end for the summer?

A: All Campuses end on July 25, 2025


Q: What time is pick up?

a: 4:30-5:45pm, you can pick up anytime, but will need to call camp phone prior to 4:30pm


Q: Does CBF provide food?

A: CBF provides a daily snack (goldfish, popcorn, animal crackers, cheese balls, popsicles, etc. ) and occasionally provides pizza for lunch. campers need to bring lunch daily unless notified. No fridge or microwave is available for campers. 


Q: What should my camper wear?

A: CBF suggests comfortable, modest clothing. Clothing that is ok to get dirty or wet. CBF does not recommend flip flops. Athletic shoes are recommended. No 2 piece bathing suits. Tankinis are ok as long as they are modest. No tight fit clothing. 


Q: Who do I contact when I need to change my weeks registered or have a tuition question? 



Q: How do I get signed up for the remind app? 

A: Click The link on the city you are registering for and then click the button labeled Remind based on your campus and Last Name.


Q: Is peanut butter and jelly allowed for lunch?

A: Yes. You are allowed to pack peanut butter, and other nut products. We have a separate table for our allergy kiddos and sanitize that area thoroughly for their protection.


Q: How do I send medications to camp?

A: Send medication to camp in the original prescription bottle with the child’s name and doctor’s name or in the original over the counter medication bottle. ***Epipens and Inhalers (stay in counselor backpack and follows the camper to every activity). All other medication (even over-the-counter products) must be checked in at the camp office. Children are not allowed to keep medication with them at camp. Make sure you have completed the medication wavier that was email to you. 


Q: When is tuition due and what do I need to know about tuition?

A: Tuition must be paid using one of the 5 options. Tuition cost and payment options all located on the summer camp location tabs. 


There is not a part time tuition. If your camper attends 1 day or all 5 days, the tuition remains the same.  If your camper attends 1 week or all 9 weeks, the tuition remains the same.


Any further questions about tuition email

Q: What can my camper bring to camp and what can they not bring to camp?

A: Items to Bring: Backpacks, water bottles, hats, sunscreen are allowed at camp. For younger campers maybe send a change of clothes. Please put your child’s name on all items from home. All items brought to camp need to be cleaned and sanitized every night before returning to camp.

Not Allowed at Camp:
Electronics: (IPAD, DS, IPOD, cell phones, electronic watches, video-games, anything that can access the internet).  Others Items Not Allowed at Camp:  Trading cards, Toys, Stuffed Animals, Slime, Fidget Spinners, Chewing gum / candy.  NOTE: Your child can call or text with parents from the camp I-Phone at any time of the day. If an electronic is brought, it will be turned off then placed in the director’s desk until pick up time.


Q: How are groups divided?

A: Campers are placed in a group of 10-12 campers based on age and grade level. Normally (not always), lower camp is rising kindergarten to rising second grade and upper camp is rising third grade to rising fifth grade. Your camper will find out what group they are in and if they are upper or lower camp, the first week of camp. 


Q: What does a Typical day at camp look like?

A: Kids are typically dropped off between 7:00-8:45am. During that time, we play games, cards, sports, etc. At 9am, we start are praise and worship (awaken), devotion, and small group time. We then move into activities, which is usually based on a theme, like Color Wars, Creation Station, sports of all Sorts, etc. We move around to different activities about every 20-30 minutes to keep the kids engaged. We have lunch between 11:30-12:30. After lunch, lower camp has a brief quiet time where they can read, color, play cards, nap, etc. This helps them recharge for the rest of the day. Our upper camp will have activities during this time. Activities continue until 3:30. Snack is served at 3:30. we then begin our pick up process from 4:30-5:45pm.




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